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Scherman Group Ethos
Group vision and aims
Within the Scherman Group we aim to create an environment where motivated and talented scientists can be surrounded by other likeminded individuals and thrive. We aim to provide world leading facilities to carry out cutting edge research and through a limited group size ensure the balance between autonomy to pursue your own research ideas and direction and access to support, mentorship and help when it is needed.
The goal for each group member is to leave the group with the ability to stand behind your own scientific contributions, primed and ready for the next step in your career, whatever that might be. With a diverse and global alumni we are also able to offer support beyond the interactions you have during your time directly in the group.
Time in the Scherman Group is a chance to learn a range of skills beyond the benchtop with a bespoke and tailored approach for each group member dependent on their desired next steps. We encourage collaboration, engaged discussion and ambitious research goals, we seek for our group members to be carrying out research at a world leading level.
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